Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)

Continuously detect and remediate misconfigurations from across your hybrid clouds – AWS, GCP, and Azure.

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A complete picture of your inventory and drift from baseline

Complete visibility and actionable context on your most critical misconfigurations, so your teams can proactively and continuously improve your cloud security posture. Misconfigurations and gaps in cloud platforms remain the leading cause of data exposure.

Risk analysis

Discover risks associated with misconfigured infrastructure permissions, vulnerabilities, and network configuration that can expose sensitive resources.

Confidently Prove Compliance continuously

Automatically achieve and maintain compliance across your multi-cloud environment with built-in reports for more than 25 common regulatory standards, including NIST, PCI, HIPAA, and GDPR.

Remediation of Misconfigurations

AltorCloud prioritizes findings, helping teams to focus on the risks that matter most and recommends remediations to misconfigurations, policy violations, and risky privileges.

Unified Multi-Cloud inventory and Unified Visibility

Provides a complete asset inventory for AWS, Azure, and GCP. It continuously discovers your cloud environment across infrastructure, visualizing all your cloud assets. It offers a unified view that simplifies your team’s understanding of even the most complex issues.

Discover, understand, and remediate cloud misconfigurations

Get a single view of risk into your cloud security posture. Identify, prioritize, and control risks across various cloud environments.